We're making plans. Tonsils and adenoids need to come out, and we'll be in the hospital with food allergies. This is something I've thought about, late at night, when all is quiet and I should be sleeping.
What if my son ever had to be hospitalized?
How would we deal with his food allergies in the hospital?
I guess the good news is that we have some time to plan. I can talk to someone in patient dining services at the hospital in advance and find out what they can offer. We can bring in safe foods. With a tonsillectomy, we're probably just looking at juices, popsicles, safe ice cream and jell-o anyway.
Of course then there's all the medication to worry about. What's in it? Are there any inactive ingredients he may be allergic to? I see another sleepless night coming on...
Any experience in this?
I meet with a hospital nutritionlist, who new very little about hidden food allergy dangers, in a hospital.
However this person was the "go to" person to document needs of an allergic person in a hospital to discuss "no hospital food" afood allergens in medications and other medical supplies.
Generally you only meet with the hospital nutritionlist with a planed visit to the hospital.
I'm up late at night thinking about this too! I keep wondering if when I do have children, what if I have to stay in the hospital due to complications? What are they going to feed me that is allergy friendly, or will they even be able to accomodate? Please post how it all goes!
No hospital kitchen has milk free or gluten free surfaces to prepare foods.
I remember a celiac in a hospital in England who went twenty four hours with out food, because hospital staff where unable to feed him!
Bring your own food, or someone who knows your allergy!
ITa, bring your own food. Pack ahead of time and bring it in a cooler, or send soeone out to get something safe. I wouldn't trust them, I have heard too many horror stories. I'm sorry, I hope the tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy goes well. I had my adenoids out as a kid.
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