FARE is a Great Name for the Recently United Food Allergy Organizations

The Wedding of FARE
DJ Announcer: ..."Now, may I please have your attention as we welcome the new couple, F.A.R.E.! Please join me in congratulating the happy reunion!"

Vigorous applause erupts from the crowd.

A sniffle or two can be heard from the crowd as guest realize that things will never be the same again.

We will know longer refer to FAAN, the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, or to FAI, Food Allergy Initiative. They are no longer single, but have joined together to form a bond to transcend what either was before.

I really like the new name, although I'm sure I'll slip a time or two and use the maiden name of one of the organizations. F.A.R.E. stands for Food Allergy Research and Education. I am pleased with the emphasis on research and education. As the rate of food allergies continues to increase, there are more people, restaurants, food manufacturers, schools, hospitals and other organizations requiring education and support. Those of us closely connected to food allergy need better answers about treatment and cures, so I hope to see that in the near future.

You can read all the details of the merger here. The new logo will be revealed in early 2013 and the new website will reside at www.foodallergy.org.

I just want to know who got to wear the beautiful gown...



Gratefulfoodie said...

Haha...was it John Lehr? I am very excited too!! Great things are coming our way.

Unknown said...

Ha! Looking forward to hearing about new research.