Food Safety News

Phyllis Entis, a food safety microbiologist and author of "Food Safety: Old Habits, New Perspectives" and "Food Microbiology - The Laboratory", maintains a very informative blog about food safety. She wrote a thorough discussion about the TollHouse Cookie dough re-call and provides a food recall round-up each week.

Her blog isn't necessarily directed toward food allergies, but it is helpful for anyone who eats food.

Take a look.

Also, check out her discussion about the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009. There's even a link if you want to read all 116 pages of the act.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in a world where all foods must be labelled with their country of origin and where food manufacturers can't refuse the FDA's request to recall foods. Oh yeah, and how about out-of compliance facilities having to pay for their own recalls and re-inspections rather than the FDA (meaning the government...translation, your money and mine through taxes)?

That's in there too.

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