Allergy Book for Children

Allergy Tales: Making Friends
I recently had the opportunity to read Allergy Tales: Making Friends. This book is one of several written for, and about, children with food allergies. Author, Carey Shoemaker is the creator of ALLERGYONBOARD, an organization dedicated to promoting empowerment and positive self-esteem for children with food allergies.

Making Friends is the story of a young boy who moves to a new town. He worries that his food allergies may get in the way of making new friends.

I love the positive message in the story. Elementary school children will be able to read this book themselves- and it's not directed only at children with food allergies. It helps all children understand that food allergies are just one part of a whole person.

I think this book would be a great classroom or school library gift. It would also be a great tool for school nurses, guidance counselors or teachers who may be educating a classroom about food allergies.

We all work hard to balance the risks of food allergy with the message that our food allergic kids can, and should, participate in regular childhood experiences. Books like this one help show all children that food allergies are manageable, and that everyone has special things about them.

Has anyone else read Making Friends with their child?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog. Enjoying it! Wondering, if you as someone with food allergies, would be open to looking over my list of derivatives/ aliases for the allergies that you have, just to help me make sure it's comprehensive? I'm working on a tool for food allergy sufferers.
