Most Comprehensive Food Allergy Study to Date

An international study is underway to look into the cause of food allergy. It includes hundreds of families in Chicago, Boston and China. Through questionnaires and interviews, researchers are looking at diet, hygiene, number of pets as well as the food allergic patient's prenatal and postnatal medical histories. David and Denise Bunning of Chicago have two severely food allergic children. They were so frustrated over the lack of financing for food allergy research, they donated $3 million to this study.

While most of us cannot make that kind of financial commitment, let's remember during this holiday season of giving that there are many worthwhile organizations who could put our money to good use. Toys will be long forgotten, but the words "We've come up with a cure" will be a gift to all humankind.

Take a look here to read more about the Bunning's generous gift. If grandparents or others are interested in making a donation to food allergy, you can't go wrong with FAAN, the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network.

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