Happy New Year! Best wishes for a successful 2009.
Today's Monday Review highlights Home Free, a company specializing in treats for food allergic kids. My family and I recently sampled some of Home Free's oatmeal, chocolate chip and mini chocolate chip cookies.
Beore I took my first bite, I noted Home Free's easy to read labels. I really felt a sense of confidence due to the specific labeling about what is, and what isn't, in the cookies. I knew from my research that the company was founded by a mom of a food allergic child who set up her company kitchen with the same standards she uses in her own kitchen. Love that! I also noticed that a portion of Home Free profits are donated to organizations that provide food allergy research and education. Really love that!
The cookies are free of peanuts, tree nuts, eggs and dairy. They are also free of soy (except for small amounts of soy lecithin) and free of wheat (although not gluten-free due to other flours used). See what I mean about their helpful and specific ingredient label?
So, on to taste...honestly, these are the best tasting "bought" food allergy friendly cookies we've tried. They look like "regular" cookies and have just the right texture- chewy for the oatmeal and the larger chocolate chip cookies, while crisp for the mini chocolate chip cookies.
Now, on to price...their prepared baked goods are very reasonably priced. You can also get baking ingredients such as dairy-free chocolate chips, flours and starches through their site at really good prices. I'll be trying out their bags of chocolate chips next time in my continuing effort to avoid paying $10/pound for chips in the future.
By the way, those of you who are familiar with Gak's Snacks, this is the same company transitioning to their new name, Home Free.
Check out Home Free and let me know what you think.
Their coffee cake is also amazing. We once received a free sample for our support group, and my boys and I were quite tempted to eat the whole thing ourselves!
We usually don't like wheat-free baked goods, but these are definitely an exception case!
I wanted to let you know about my website www.spewdfree.com My son is allergic to soy, peanuts, eggs, wheat and dairy so I started SPEWD Free to help others that suffer from food allergies. www.spewdfree.com has lots of allergy friendly recipes and a food allergy blog.
Yes, HomeFree offers an Organic Apple Coffee Cake and an Organic Cranberry Coffee Cake. They look very appealing in their brochure and website. It's good to know, Linda, that they taste as good as they look!
The cakes are not gluten-free and they ship them frozen with the recommendation to eat within 1-2 days of thawing.
Hi Heather,
I just checked out SPEWD Free. Very cute logo with the foods in shape of letters. Our stories are similar with sons diagnosed with multiple food allergies at a young age. Feel free to list my site (www.foodallergyassistant.com) as a link on SPEWD Free. May I link to your site?
I love that so many of us are out there sharing information and educating others about food allergy!
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