Halloween Can Be Really Scary for Those With Food Allergy

Forget the ghosts and goblins. It's the candy bars and packaged sweets that cause the most fright in our house.

Our rules for trick-or-treating are:

No eating anything until it is checked at home.
Let the giver drop the candy into the trick-or-treat bag to avoid direct contact with the candy.

I have special treats on hand to substitute unsafe candy with safe items. Most of these special items need to be ordered. With only 24 days until Halloween, the time to order is now. Check out:

Premium Chocolatiers
Enjoy Life's boom CHOCO boom bars
Amanda's Own
Chocolate Emporium
Peanut Free Planet
Nothin Nutty
Vermont Nut Free Chocolates

All the unsafe candy goes to a local homeless shelter, lest it wind up on my hips!


Lynn said...

This is our first Halloween with food allergies (well, last year our son was too lady to need candy). Really, he's only 2 now, so he doesn't need candy at all, but I'd prefer to hand out candy he's not allergic to. We're skipping the trick or treating. I've bought smarties and dum dums to hand out. I'll also give him some freeze dried blueberries and fruit strips in his plastic pumpkin, along with a new book and some stickers. Maybe I'll pick up some boom choco boom bars.

Lynn said...

"too little to need candy" - not sure where lady came from!