Food Allergy Conferences

Have you registered for "Every Bite Counts", the annual conference sponsored by FAAN (Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network)? This year marks the 17th year of this conference. A fourth location has been offered, Las Vegas. I always wondered why there wasn't a location available for those on the left coast. This new venue offers an opportunity for those who live in west to attend the conference without traveling to the East coast or Chicago.

The other exciting news about the conference is that multiple tracks will be offered. Those of us who attended in the past noted that the conference was virtually the same each year. Food allergy veterans did not need to hear about basic food allergy information. Now, newbies can attend a session for the newly diagnosed, while those of us who have been at this for awhile can attend a session about letting go and facing new challenges.

The conference also offers a Food Allergy Expo, which is new this year. I also notice that the registration fee is new as well. It's gone up. Members pay $100 for the conference. Grandparents and babysitters are $75.

Check out the information from FAAN and consider attending. It is a great opportunity to meet the big-wigs in the food allergy area and I always enjoy the luncheon, where everyone sits by zip code, allowing you to meet others in your area who deal with food allergy.

Also, check out this YouTube video for other benefits to attending the FAAN Conference.

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