The Positives of Coping With Food Allergies Guest Post

Thank you to Ashley M. Jones for submitting this post on the positive side of food allergy.

It’s not something you want your child to be born with, but when it comes to food allergies, you have no choice. You discover that they’re allergic to certain proteins in dairy products, eggs or nuts, and from then on, you become increasingly protective about them and take all possible precautions to avoid adverse reactions that could become fatal if you’re not prepared. And as your child grows up, you get them to become responsible for their health; you educate them on what they should and shouldn’t eat; and you teach them to take care of their allergies and be prepared to deal with any emergencies that may arise.

It’s natural for a child to feel out of sorts at times because of a food allergy – after all, they cannot share their friends’ food or let their guard down during a picnic. But even though a food allergy is something we don’t want, if you do have it, there are positive ways to look at it.

· Your diet is healthier: If you suffer from food allergies, you don’t eat out too much. All your food is home-cooked or carefully selected after checking the ingredients involved. This means your diet becomes healthier as you are in control of what you eat. Also, you tend to eat more fruits and vegetables as they provide you with nutrition and help boost your immune system in the long run.

· You lose weight: When you avoid eating out and stick to home-cooked food, you tend to pick foods that are light on your stomach and which contain less fat and other substances that tend to increase your weight. This makes you lose or at least maintain your weight. So you don’t have to battle obesity problems like the kids who don’t have food allergies and so don’t have to worry about what they eat.

· You take better care of your health: You may have to altogether remove certain foods from your diet because of your allergies, and this means you could be losing out nutrition. So you naturally tend to take nutritional supplements to balance this deficiency or you eat alternative foods that give you the same nutrition but don’t contain the allergens you react badly to.

· You avoid the negative aspects of dairy products: If you’re allergic to milk and other dairy products, you don’t have to worry about not being able to eat ice creams and flavored yogurt – for one, consumption of dairy has been linked to heart disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis; and for another, there are tasty alternatives to dairy products, like soy. Although dairy is your main source of calcium and Vitamin D, there are supplements and other food items that act as decent substitutes.

So if you have a food allergy, don’t let it get you down; rather, try to look at the positive side of the picture and cope as best as you can.


This guest post is contributed by Ashley M. Jones, who writes on the topic of pharmacy tech certification . She welcomes your comments at her email id:

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