First Reaction in 14 Years

Epinephrine for Food Allergy Reaction
"Why are you telling me this?" my food allergic tween asked.

I was sharing Keith's story, "First Reaction in 14 Years", published on the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis (FAAN) website.

"I'm telling you this as a reminder to both of us of why you carry an EpiPen® everywhere you go," I responded.

I was reminding us both that an allergic reaction can happen any time, any place- even when labels are checked, hands and utensils are washed and all precautions are taken. I think when you go years without an allergic reaction, it is easy to become complacent.
  • Should you turn the car around and grab the forgotten medication bag? It's just a quick trip and no one will be eating.
  • Does she really need to bring her EpiPen when she's just going out to play in the neighborhood? She's only a few doors away and can get home quickly.
  • Do I really want to fight the school bus company that doesn't allow self carrying of EpiPens? He won't be eating on the bus after all.

Keith's story serves as a reminder that we must always be vigilant and prepared. This is a good reminder to us and our kids that medications need to be readily available and that we shouldn't hesitate to use them if symptoms warrant.

Check out some of the other stories shared on the FAAN site and consider sharing one of your own. Who knows? Your story may be the conversation topic at someone's dinner table!


Gratefulfoodie said...

Thanks for sharing, to me, sharing equals educating and it is through personal stories that we make a difference!

I have a question for you: What is going on with Mylan (formerly Dey)? The website is still not functioning, commercials are being pulled. I'm concerned:

Unknown said...


Thanks for the great comment. I too find personal stories powerful.

As to the Mylan advertisements, have you seen OneSpot Allergy's post ( which is now leading to a FB campaign involving Team Anaphylaxis, and now FAAN and AANMA. The food allergy community is rightfully demanding accurate advertising. Stay tuned!

Juliet said...

Thanks for the post. I agree that kids should bring their medications so each time one of their allergy symptoms strikes, the medicine is available. Allergy can cause ones death and should not be taken lightly.