Grill Charms vs The Shark Tank

Back in April I reviewed a product called Grill Charms®. The idea was to use a stainless steel charm to mark grill meats for different cooking preferences or specific food allergies or intolerances.

A great idea, I thought. Well, The Sharks thought so too.

ABC runs a show called "The Shark Tank". It gives entrepreneurs an opportunity to pitch their businesses to major investors. Leslie Haywood and her Grill Charms® were featured on the show on September 29, 2009. Check it out. Leslie's up first. See how she did.

Have any of you tried grill charms to deal with food allergies? Let me know.


The Food Allergy Coach said...

I saw this episode! I'm glad she did so well...I wish that when she was listing the reasons why someone might purchase these, food allergies would have been spotlighted a bit more. A great idea!

Marie said...

What a great idea and product! Unfortunately, I was not able to view the video because I am not from the US. Here in Canada, we also have a similar show called Dragons' Den and I am a big fan.