Eczema Drugs Linked to Cancer Risk

There is a scary warning about two common drugs used for eczema. The FDA is recommending warning labels for the skin creams Elidel® and Protpic®. They may cause cancer.

I suspect that many of you were told, as we were, that these two creams were the best treatment on the market for our children's eczema, since they were non-steroid based. We switched to these creams when we noticed some loss of pigment on some areas of the leg. "That's from the steroid cream you're using to treat the eczema," our allergist said. Two new (at the time) creams were recommended to us.

Now we find out that these creams have caused cancer in animals involved in a study. Human study results will be unknown for 10 years.

So we wait?

If you are still using either cream, I suggest speaking to your allergist or dermatologist about risks and benefits. They are not being pulled off the market and doctors seem to believe they have a place in eczema treatment.

They are not, though, the "miracle drug" I was led to believe they were...


smilinggreenmom said...

O remember when our son was two and was on all kinds of meds and creams for his Eczema (he is now 5) and I heard about Elidel and the cancer link. Our family doctor said that the chance is so slim blah blah blah...but I was still very worried about it. I would never want to subject my child to something that could be very dangerous no matter what the percentage. It is scary. I am so thankful that we started giving him his Belly Boost probiotics because they have cleared up 98% of his Eczema and we no longer have to worry so much. It is an answer to our prayers! I highly recommend this as well as using olive oil in the bath water since it is a great natural moisturizer! TY for the info :)

Causes of Eczema said...

The rash can also have painful blisters that ooze fluids, especially if scratched. With the painful rash that is associated with eczema, it's no wonder that those with this condition seek out and try to eliminate the causes of their flare ups.