Debunking Food Allergy Myths

There has been some great information coming out of last week's Conference of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). One of the speakers, Dr.  David Stukus, presented on the outdated information related to allergies that still circulates. Among the myths:
  • "I can't get the flu shot because I'm allergic to eggs."
  • "I'm allergic to food dyes."
  • "I can take an at-home blood test to find out which foods I'm allergic to."
  • Avoid giving highly allergenic foods to babies for their first 12 months of life.
It is difficult to stay on top of the latest research, but it is important for families to be aware of the changing conversations about food allergies. Reach out to your allergist if you have any questions about how to manage food allergy. You can read the complete news release of Dr. Stukus's presentation here.

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